Select the clinical service(s) that you are looking for and then press filter to find match.

  • Accent Reduction
  • Alternative Communication Technology
  • Aphasia
  • Apraxia
  • Articulation/Phonology
  • Auditory Processing (CENTRAL)
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Aural Rehabilitation
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Brain Injury
  • Children with complex Physical Needs
  • Cognitive Communication Disorders
  • Communication Improvements
  • Deaf/ Hearing Impaired
  • Dementia
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Dysarthria
  • Fluency
  • Head and Neck Cancer
  • Language Delay
  • Literacy
  • Myofunctional Therapy/Orofacial Myology
  • Oral Motor Speech Delay/Disorder
  • Resonance
  • Selective Mutism
  • Stroke
  • Swallowing Disorders/Dysphagia
  • Voice Disorders


Showing 10 from 92 PROFILES PRINT THE LIST

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Over 17 years of experience supporting children and families in the areas of spoken language development (both understanding and use of language), speech production including specialized training as a graduate from Apraxia Kids Bootcamp, Let’s…

I am an SLP with over 10 years experience working in Edmonton. I have worked with a variety of children and families in different settings. Special interest areas include AAC, Apraxia, Autism, pediatric feeding disorders including infant feeding,…

I offer speech and language services for children ages 0-18 years. This includes assessment, treatment, and consultation. For more information please see my website

Services provided for adult patients: muscle tension dysphonia, vocal nodules, polyps, vocal fatigue, vocal cord paresis and paralysis, chronic cough, upper airway disorders and more. Gender affirming voice and communication training services are…

Rob provides accent modification assessment and intense training for adult intermediate and advanced speakers of English. Please see his website at for further information.

Providing integrated therapy services for the full spectrum of the paediatric population. Expertise with older children who are struggling in school or socially as well as with younger children with developmental language or speech disorders. I also…

I have been practicing since 2016. I have experience working with preschool and school age clients, supporting children and their families in a variety of areas (speech, language, literacy, and social communication). I use motivating and fun…

Offering 15 years of experience supporting children & their families in developing, implementing, and achieving functional and meaningful communication goals (speech, understanding and using language, social skills, phonological awareness).…

Assessment, Treatment and Family Consultation for pre-school and school-aged children who have difficulty: – saying speech sounds (e.g., articulation delay, phonological processing disorder, childhood apraxia of speech) – understanding…

I am a registered S-LP with 30 plus years treating pediatric communication challenges. I have a particular love for the very hard to understand child and for persistent sound errors in the older child for whom success feels unachievable. I am on…